Sunday, July 29, 2012

In O'Hare airport trying to pass through on the day that the rain we've needed so much has finally arrived.

Unless you're close to my age, you probably don't remember how air flight used to be fairly pleasant. Friendly gate agents, pleasant flight attendants and mostly happy passengers. It was probably fun riding in model-T's too.

Now you sit in the food court, eat bad plastic food and listen to endless loop of Miles Davis so you're aware that this is  Chicago. At least you get a fairly benign mall atmosphere for the $50 the city charges to pass through.

Mon voyage poursuit…

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A more mellow adrenalin junkie

I redeemed the voucher for a birthday gift last week and took a powered parachute ride. If you've known me long you know that in my former life of adrenalin junkiedom this is a fairly tame endeavor.

But we strapped in/on, powered up and we were gone. 

This very pretty "motorcycle of the air" was major fun.

I'm going to investigate more (my friend Linda's brother is one of the kings of that world) but I'm guessing the money might be more enjoyably wasted in the world of "cheap auto road racing" (kind like saying cheap heroin). We'll see what spring brings.

Mon voyage pursuit

Monday, July 9, 2012

"The reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated"

So to slowly start working my way back to this blog I'm going to post the current "Photo of the Week" from my website:

I use this image to discuss "Point of View" in one of my photo classes. He wasn't nearly as close or as large as he looks!

Mon voyage poursuit…

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"Try to go out empty and let your images fill you up."

The quote I’m using for a title is from one of my teachers, mentors and all time favorite photographers:
Jay Maisel
Red Cranes

On Guard

As is so common, I missed his birthday this year.

Happy B-Day Jay: You have given me and so many others so much!!!

“If you are out there shooting, things will happen for you. If you’re not out there, you’ll only hear about it.”

Jay Maisel

Mon voyage poursuit…

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Coming back to life:


I had an interesting thing happen today. A student (and friend) called to ask about a fine point on the use of Auto Focus and her confusion was so complete that it made me stop and question what I actually know. Now it turns out that what I thought was true seems after examination to be true but for a while I wasn’t sure. And I think having my reality called into question is turning into a really good thing.


If you know me at all you know that I started living by the camera long before the advent of Auto Focus. And I’ve come to my current understanding of camera craft via a long and winding road; one where I mostly grudgingly accept new technology only once I am finally convinced that it actually makes my life easier. It’s not so much that I’m “change adverse” as much as I’m too busy to pick up new gadgets simply for their own sake and that I’m incredibly cheap. Call my cell phone and you’ll realize I still haven’t reprogrammed my service since the last phone got destroyed (No, I did not drop it in the toilet, thank you).

I took my first PhotoShop class long before my children were born and I’m way past the point of seeing it as some sort of witchcraft but my knowledge and use of it has been acquired much more by required evolution rather than a driven desire of mastery. It is a tool. A miraculous tool I’ll grant you but still just a tool.

So what all this is leading to is simply this: I like having my reality called into question every now and then. It’s the mental equivalent of having to clean out your closet. “There’s too much crap in there that you’re never going to use or wear” and getting rid of some of it makes you appreciate what you do keep and gives you room for some new.


It’s too easy to get set in your ways and the only way to stay alive (at least creatively) is by regular evaluation and adaptation. So the Holidays (and our 2nd “Move from Hell”) are behind me, I’ve had my cobwebs cleared and it’s time to get back to work. These classes I’m teaching are really helping me let in some fresh air and I think you’ll be seeing some new and hopefully exciting work coming from me in the near future.


Mon voyage poursuit…