(This shot is from last fall but I love it so I’m going to use it here)
I have a love/hate thing with long distance driving. There is the joy of the open road with the music playing loud and the time of quite thought but the absolute exhaustion upon completion.
I returned my sisters’ youngest boy to her yesterday after a week’s visit with my kids (More activity points than I care to count)

![268091_148936918516502_100002005838820_304013_1549225_n[1] 268091_148936918516502_100002005838820_304013_1549225_n[1]](http://lh3.ggpht.com/-Z9yx_KJBd9E/TiVFYYTsE4I/AAAAAAAAADk/ICcernzm25I/268091_148936918516502_100002005838820_304013_1549225_n%25255B1%25255D_thumb%25255B2%25255D.jpg?imgmax=800)
(Drag Race shot courtesy of Steven Chapman : http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=27703350#!/media/set/?set=a.148934395183421.39569.100002005838820
by meeting her (roughly) half way between our home in GR and hers in St. Louis, MO. (No I don’t know which is more conservative but it makes me wonder why I’m not?), 12 hours round trip (with lots of road construction thrown in for fun). The ride there with my nephew (17) was all conversation and music, fun and high energy. The ride back alone was really quiet with a lot of introspective thought. And when I finally pulled my flat ass out of the seat and walked into the house I felt like my mind was clear of the last 6 month’s worth of questions.
Mon voyage poursuit…
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